Item Type: Potion | Arrow | Event | Firecracker | Food | Gem | Light | Material | Pet | Quest | Scroll | Spellbook
                      Throwing | Totem | Container | Wand | Other
 Item NameTypeOptions
Ancient Cat's Eye BoxTreasure_boxView
Greater Soul Enchant: Armor (Blessed)ScrollView
Enhancement Scroll - EarthScrollView
Assassin Master's BoxTreasure_boxView
Blank Scroll (Level 4)ScrollView
Modern AdenaOtherView
Scroll of Teleportation - SoE 1FScrollView
Soul Battery+20PotionView
Arachnevil Elder's ClawQuestitemView
Greater Combat PotionPotionView
Order of BloodstainQuestitemView
Pine Wand (Blessed)WandView
Fragment of Zajako's SoulMaterialView
Magic Doll: Dark ElfOtherView
Letifer's Life Dust (Blessed)MaterialView
Mineral Removal DocumentQuestitemView
Dusk MetalMaterialView
Soul Shot - NGPotionView
Eye of VarlokQuestitemView
Potion of WisdomPotionView
Hero's Daytime BoxTreasure_boxView
Tooth of AngusMaterialView
Bones from another worldQuestitemView
Note of the DeceasedQuestitemView
Page of Pride - 8QuestitemView
Doll Experience Event TokenPotionView
Infinite LoveQuestitemView
Gift CoinOtherView
Silver CandleQuestitemView
Bombs Trail TokenPotionView
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets DesignMaterialView
Orc FangQuestitemView
Seal of Apocholypse - S80ScrollView
Temporal Key: EmpireQuestitemView
Blood of HeliosMaterialView
Mysterious Block Prize Bag - Max LevelTreasure_boxView
Lesser Demon HornMaterialView
Tuala's RewardTreasure_boxView
Breath of EarthQuestitemView
Parum's Crop PouchTreasure_boxView
Lump of SteelMaterialView
Cimaera ScaleMaterialView
Mithril ThreadMaterialView
Round Rice-Cake (Blessed)PotionView
Gaia's FloodScrollView
Stable Crimson MetalMaterialView
Spell Scroll (Curse: Paralyze)ScrollView