Armor Type: Helmet | T-Shirt | Body Armor | Cloak | Gloves | Boots | Sets
Class Type: Knight | Royal | Elf | Mage | Dark Elf | Illusionist | Dragonknight  Grade: No Grade | C | B | A | S | S80 | X
 Item NameTypeACOptions
War's Leather Gloves - X (Blessed)Glove0View
Bunny Mittens of Loyalty [2014] (Blessed)Glove-7View
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor [A]Armor-10View
T-shirt with %i's AgilityT0View
Death's Grip - X (Blessed)Glove0View
Bunny Slippers of Loyalty [2016] (Blessed)Boots-7View
Bunny Snuggie of Loyalty [2017] (Blessed)Cloak-4View
Karmian Gloves [C][Robe]Glove-1View
Elmorian Leather Helmet - XHelm0View
Gloves of KurtzGlove-2View
Ultra Plate Mail [T5] (Blessed)Armor0View
Gauntlet of Nightmare [Light][A] (Blessed)Glove-6View
Famine's Breastplate - X (Blessed)Armor0View
Army Cap (Blessed)Helm-10View
Samurai Suneate+ (Blessed)Boots-14View
Army Jacket (Blessed)Armor-10View
Leather SandalBoots0View
Chain Mail of Magic ResistanceArmor-5View
ShadowElf's Shroud - XR (Blessed)Cloak0View
Dark Crystal Gloves [Heavy][A] (Blessed)Glove-8View
Iron GlovesGlove-1View
Zajako's Shining Vambrace - XR (Blessed)Armor0View
Leather GlovesGlove0View
Bunny Snuggie of Loyalty - 2019 (Blessed)Cloak-4View
Robe of Evil Spirit KingArmor-8View
Leather BootsBoots-2View
Robe of Black WizardArmor-4View
Bunny Slippers [S]Boots-1View
Armor of IllusionArmor-7View
Shadow GlovesGlove-1View
Scale of DeathGlove-3View
Sovereign's MajestyCloak-2View
Shamrock RobesArmor7View
Pumpkin Armor of Loyalty [2014]Armor-7View
Dark Crystal Helmet [A] (Blessed)Helm-5View
Elven Boots of %iBoots-2View
Pa'agrio's Shirt [S80]T-1View
Elmorian Sallet - XHelm0View
Navy Boots (Blessed)Boots-10View
Bunny Mittens of Loyalty [2016] (Blessed)Glove-7View
Zajako's Dusk Leather Circlet - XR (Blessed)Helm0View
Sayha's Tunic - XR (Blessed)T-3View
Gauntlets of Fear [X] (Blessed)Glove0View
Elmorian Sabatons - XR (Blessed)Boots0View
Breastplate of Fear [T5] (Blessed)Armor0View
Imperial Crusader Breastplate [S]Armor-12View
Apprentice Wizard CloakCloak-2View
Skeletal HelmetHelm0View
Majestic Leather Armor [Light][A] (Blessed)Armor-8View