Class Type: Knight | Royal | Elf | Mage | Dark Elf | Illusionist | Dragonknight  Grade: No Grade | C | B | A | S | S80 | X
 Item NameTypeSDmgLDmgOptions
Antharas' Claw Axe - Event+ (Blessed)Blunt00View
Shamrock ChopperBlunt55View
Small Hammer of HappinessBlunt11View
Apprentice BowBow66View
Blaze Bow - SE (Blessed)Bow00View
Evil Pumpkin Bow - XRBow00View
Ivory Tower Stone BowBow22View
WinDBreaker's Kifli BowBow11View
Ciabatta CutterChainsword11View
Demon Splitter [S]Claw3129View
Devil's ClawClaw2018View
Glacier Claw [NG]Claw00View
Mephisto's Claws - SE (Blessed)Claw00View
Shamrock SlicersClaw55View
Silver ClawClaw1310View
Dagger (Blessed)Dagger42View
Elmorian Dagger - SE (Blessed)Dagger00View
Elven DaggerDagger43View
Oriharukon Dagger (Blessed)Dagger77View
Ritual BladeDagger00View
Valakas' Fang Knife - XRDagger00View
Dual Keshanberk Swords [Focus][A] (Blessed)Edoryu2120View
Dual Tsurugi Swords [B]Edoryu1614View
Edoryu of AbyssEdoryu1410View
Kaiser Edoryu (Blessed)Edoryu1713View
Jin GauntletGauntlet22View
Lindvior's Lightbringer - UnchargedSinglebow00View
Mithril-coated HornSinglespear44View
Lucern HammerSpear911View
Lucern Hammer (Blessed)Spear911View
Staff of Blue SkyStaff85View
Staff of DemonStaff11View
Staff of Ice QueenStaff23View
Valakas' Caster - Uncharged (Blessed)Staff00View
Evil Pumpkin Sword - XRSword00View
Forgotten Blade [Focus][S] (Blessed)Sword3535View
Lindvior's Leverage - Event+ (Blessed)Sword00View
Paagrio's HatredSword139View
Sword of Goujian - XR (Blessed)Sword00View
Zelin, The Holy Blade [X] (Blessed)Sword00View
Axe of MaphrTohandblunt1618View
Croissant CrusherTohandblunt11View
Dragon Hunter Axe [HpRegen][S] (Blessed)Tohandblunt4040View
Imperial Staff [S]Tohandstaff3530View
Dragon Slayer [A] (Blessed)Tohandsword3535View
Large Sword of BloodTohandsword1012View
Two-Handed Sword of VarlokTohandsword810View
Valakas' Tail Blade - Uncharged (Blessed)Tohandsword00View