Class Type: Knight | Royal | Elf | Mage | Dark Elf | Illusionist | Dragonknight  Grade: No Grade | C | B | A | S | S80 | X
 Item NameTypeSDmgLDmgOptions
Antharas' Quill - X (Blessed)Dagger00View
Dice DaggerDagger13View
Two Handed SwordTohandsword1416View
Basalt Battlehammer [VampRage][S]Blunt3030View
FireMagic's Edoryu (Blessed)Edoryu3030View
Mephisto's ChainSword - SE (Blessed)Chainsword00View
Inferno ChainSword - SE (Blessed)Chainsword00View
Elmorian Kiringku - SE (Blessed)Kiringku00View
Soul Forged Longbow - MX (Blessed)Bow00View
Sword of Miracles [A]Sword1715View
Inferno Kiringku [NG]Kiringku00View
Sword of OrdealSword1010View
Mephisto's Claws - SE (Blessed)Claw00View
Saint Spear [Health][S] (Blessed)Spear3030View
Eva's ScornSword99View
Heaven's Divider [S]Tohandsword4141View
Dual Dark Legion's Edges [Focus][S]Edoryu2524View
Shamrock ReacherChainsword55View
Two-Handed Sword of Pretender KingTohandsword1620View
Soul Forged Spear - LX (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Draconic Bow [CriticalSlow][S] (Blessed)Bow2525View
Haunting Staff [X] (Blessed)Staff00View
Hyrulian Master Sword+ (Blessed)Sword6565View
Pumpkin SwordSword55View
Soul Eater [S80]Tohandsword00View
Rapier (Blessed)Sword116View
Arcana Mace [S]Blunt2520View
Dwarvish AxeTohandblunt814View
Sword of GM WrathSword8080View
Unknown SpearSpear00View
Claw of HateClaw2615View
Heart SwordSword55View
Dark Screamer [C]Dagger138View
Valakas' Spike Gauntlet - Uncharged (Blessed)Gauntlet00View
Moralltach, The Great Fury [X] (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Two-Handed Sword of VarlokTohandsword1012View
Staff of BelethStaff23View
Shadow EdoryuEdoryu117View
Bow of Haunting [X]Bow00View
Bow of Neit [X] (Blessed)Bow00View
Omnipotent Sword - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Dragon Grinder [Guidance][A] (Blessed)Claw2524View
Valakas' Spike Gauntlet - X (Blessed)Gauntlet00View
Lastabad BowBow22View
Marv's Engraver - XR (Blessed)Sword00View
Heart BowBow33View
Zajako's Hidden Blade [X] (Blessed)Gauntlet00View