Classes: | | Weight: | 1000 | Armor Class: | 0 | Type: | Amulet | Safe Enchant: | Not Enchantable | Material: | Gold | Grade: | NoGrade | Damage Reduction: | 0 | Bow Hit Bonus: | 0 | Weight Reduction: | 0 | Strength Bonus: | 0 | Intelligence Bonus: | 0 | Constitution Bonus: | 0 | Wisdom Bonus: | 0 | Dexterity Bonus: | 0 | Charisma Bonus: | 0 | Health Bonus: | 0 | Mana Bonus: | 0 | Health Regen Bonus: | 0 | Mana Regen Bonus: | 0 | Magic Defense Bonus: | 0 | Spell Power Bonus: | 0 | Fire Defense: | 0 | Earth Defense: | 0 | Water Defense: | 0 | Wind Defense: | 0 |
Amulet of green curse. The energy of green curse is felt from the gem hanging from the amulet. When worn together with certain other items, it seems as though it would result in raising dexterity.