Summon Cost:50000 Adena  

Passive Ability

Summons the Greater Magic Doll of Iris
Iris Magic Doll

Doll Bonuses
Crit Damage: +0.12
Total Allowed: 1

Npc NameMinMaxChance (%)Tier
Iris 1 1 0.2% All
Temporal Chest: Silver Dragon 1 1 0.1% All
Temporal Chest: Gold Dragon 1 1 0.5% All
Temporal Chest: Zumbalari 1 1 0.05% All

My goodness is she ever cute. This is the best doll ever. Not due to function so much but sure cuteness and looks the best. I wish these dolls in future could be like a pet with weapons soul toys like zajako toy blade. Could you imagine different dolls be funny like iris with a whip and if bugbear etc hits you she auto gives them some discipline lol. To me they could have toy soul weapons different stats and make more money for server, even highest end players sure would not mind chuck few more bucks for a interactive doll that would have their own weapons. Be like same as soul them but toy versions and more plused more power and ac armor same.
That be fun and make bunch new armor and weapons for them.And many dolls we now have could even have added feature.So doll still works functional as is but could be made more macho with weapons. Anyway this doll i would spin on my head all night to get lol.

Super cute.
My goodness is she ever cute.
This is the best doll ever. Not due to dolls function so much but sure cuteness and looks the best.
I wish these dolls in future could be like a pet with weapons soul toys like zajako toy blade. Could you imagine different dolls be funny like iris with a whip and if bugbear etc hits you she auto gives them some discipline lol.
To me they could have toy soul weapons different stats and make more money for server, even highest end players sure would not mind a interactive doll that would have their own weapons. Be like same as soul them but toy versions and more plused more power and ac armor same.
That be fun and make bunch new armor and weapons for them.And many dolls we now have could even have added feature.So doll still works functional as is but could be made more macho with weapons. Anyway this doll i would spin on my head all night to get lol.

Super cute.
My goodness is she ever cute.
This is the best doll ever. Not due to dolls function so much but sure cuteness and looks the best.
I wish these dolls in future could be like a pet with weapons soul toys like zajako toy blade. Could you imagine different dolls be funny like iris with a whip and if bugbear etc hits you she auto gives them some discipline lol.
To me they could have toy soul weapons different stats and make more money for server, even highest end players sure would not mind a interactive doll that would have their own weapons. Be like same as soul them but toy versions and more plused more power and ac armor same.
That be fun and make bunch new armor and weapons for them.And many dolls we now have could even have added feature.So doll still works functional as is but could be made more macho with weapons. Anyway this doll i would spin on my head all night to get lol.

Super cute.