
Npc NameMinMaxChance (%)Tier
Zenith Queen 1 5 25% All
Seer 1 5 25% All
Vampire 1 5 25% All
Zombie Lord 1 5 25% All
Cougar 1 5 25% All
Mummy Lord 1 5 25% All
Iris 1 5 25% All
Knight Vald of Darkness 1 1 1% All
Lich Captain 1 1 3% All
Reaper King 1 1 10% All
Zajako 1 1 10% All
Haunting Demon Lord 1 1 10% All
Haunting Ghoul 1 1 1% All
Form of Zajako 1 1 5% All
ZajClone 1 1 10% All
Hallowed Demon Lord 1 1 10% All
Hallowed Ghoul 1 1 1% All
Wedding Crasher 1 1 2% All
Leprechaun 1 1 2% All
Jello Shot 1 1 2% All
Party Ogre 1 1 2% All
Party Cockatrice 1 1 2% All
Party Bones 1 1 2% All
Party Dwarf 1 1 2% All
Party Troll 1 1 2% All
Psy 1 1 2% All
Psy 1 1 2% All
Psy 1 1 2% All
Legendary Zajako 1 1 2% All
Lightning Death Knight 1 1 2% All
Blazing Death Knight 1 1 2% All
Golden Death Knight 1 1 2% All
Shadow Death Knight 1 1 2% All
Beach Babe 1 1 2% All
Beach Babe 1 1 2% All
Beach Bum 1 1 2% All
Beach Bum 1 1 2% All
Watermelon 1 1 2% All
Beach Creep 1 1 2% All
Brown Alien 1 1 2% All
Grey Alien 1 1 2% All
Genin 1 1 2% All
Chunin 1 1 2% All
Irritable Bride 1 1 2% All
Outraged Groom 1 1 2% All
Lost Soul 1 1 2% All
Lost Soul 1 1 2% All
Lost Soul 1 1 2% All
Bovine 1 1 2% All
Soul Keeper 1 1 2% All
Temporal Chest: Daazen 1 1 7% All
Reinforced Bugbear 1 1 2% All
Outraged Groom Copy 1 1 2% All

1500 SXP ea.