
May Contain These Randomly
Dragon Juice (QTY: 1)
Elixer (CHA) (QTY: 1)
Elixer (CON) (QTY: 1)
Elixer (DEX) (QTY: 1)
Elixer (INT) (QTY: 1)
Elixer (STR) (QTY: 1)
Elixer (WIS) (QTY: 1)
Coal (QTY: 1)
Soul Shot - A (QTY: 100)
Soul Shot - S (QTY: 100)

Npc NameMinMaxChance (%)Tier
Red Santa Imposter 1 1 1% All
Blue Santa Imposter 1 1 1% All
Santa Claus 1 1 1% All
Rudolf 1 1 1% All
Reindeer 1 1 1% All
Magic Snowman 1 1 1% All
Orc Santa 1 2 10% All
Santa Claws 1 1 1% All
Santa Claus 1 5 50% All
Rodulf the Red Eyed Orc Hound 1 1 4% All
Haunting Red Eye 1 1 1% All
Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer 1 5 10% All
Orc Hound 1 1 1% All
Haunting Stalker 1 1 1% All
Santa's Reindeer 1 5 10% All
Summoned Iceman 1 1 1% All
Haunting Ice Beast 1 5 10% All
North Pole Snowman 1 1 1% All
Frosty the Snowman 1 3 80% All
Christmas Snowman 1 1 1% All

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