Classes: | | Weight: | 1000 | Armor Class: | -9 | Type: | Shield | Safe Enchant: | 0 | Material: | Blackmithril | Grade: | S80 | Damage Reduction: | 10 | Bow Hit Bonus: | 0 | Weight Reduction: | 100 | Strength Bonus: | 3 | Intelligence Bonus: | 3 | Constitution Bonus: | 3 | Wisdom Bonus: | 3 | Dexterity Bonus: | 3 | Charisma Bonus: | 3 | Health Bonus: | 1000 | Mana Bonus: | 500 | Health Regen Bonus: | 0 | Mana Regen Bonus: | 0 | Magic Defense Bonus: | 0 | Spell Power Bonus: | 0 | Fire Defense: | 0 | Earth Defense: | 0 | Water Defense: | 0 | Wind Defense: | 0 |

Reaper King Shield Set Items
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Reaper King Shield Set Benefits
Armor Class: | 0 | Magic Resistance: | 0 |
HP Bonus: | 0 | MP Bonus: | 0 |
HP Regen: | 0 | MP Regen: | 0 |
Strength Bonus: | 0 | Dexterity Bonus: | 0 |
Inteligence Bonus: | 0 | Wisdom Bonus: | 0 |
Constitution Bonus: | 0 | Charisma Bonus: | 0 |
Special Polymorph: | Yes |


Auction Listings
Item | Quantity | Price | |
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ereg_replace() in /home/zajako/www/lineagehd.com/includes/functions/fun_global.php:441
Stack trace:
#0 /home/zajako/www/lineagehd.com/includes/functions/fun_auctions.php(455): cleanUrlString('+2 Shield of th...')
#1 /home/zajako/www/lineagehd.com/includes/functions/fun_auctions.php(414): getAuctionLink('61950', '+2 Shield of th...', 'show', true)
#2 /home/zajako/www/lineagehd.com/show.php(132): getAuctionItemName(Array)
#3 {main}
thrown in /home/zajako/www/lineagehd.com/includes/functions/fun_global.php on line 441