Classes:Knight Weight:120000
Armor Class:-3Type:Shield
Safe Enchant:4Material:Iron
Grade:NoGradeDamage Reduction:0
Bow Hit Bonus:0Weight Reduction:0
Strength Bonus:0Intelligence Bonus:0
Constitution Bonus:0Wisdom Bonus:0
Dexterity Bonus:0Charisma Bonus:0
Health Bonus:0Mana Bonus:0
Health Regen Bonus:0Mana Regen Bonus:0
Magic Defense Bonus:0Spell Power Bonus:0
Fire Defense:0Earth Defense:0
Water Defense:0Wind Defense:0

Large shield that protects the whole body. It is most effective against flying weapons. But two hands are needed to use it and thus weapons can't be used while holding it.

Npc NameMinMaxChance (%)Tier
Kurtz 1 1 60% All
Ken Rauhel 1 1 60% All
White Ants Troop 1 1 8% All
Giant White Ant 1 1 10% All
Mountain Fortress Ants Troop 1 1 8% All
Giant Mountain Fortress Ant 1 1 9% All
Giant Guarding Ant 1 1 12% All

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