Wisdom:10Magic Resistance:10
Experience:1157Soul Experience:0
Law Alignment:-9Tameable:No
HP Regen:0 every 0 secMP Regen:0 every 0 sec
Hard Skined:NoTurn Undead:No

Item NameMinMaxChance (%)Tier
Forgotten Scale Mail 1 1 0.3% All
Ebony Wand 1 1 2% All
Lesser Healing Potion 1 1 60% All
Healing Potion 1 1 10% All
Greater Healing Potion 1 1 7% All
Haste Potion 1 1 10% All
Potion of Bravery 1 1 2.5% All
Potion of Mana 1 1 2% All
Potion of Wisdom 1 1 2% All
Cure Poison Potion 1 1 10% All
Greater Haste Potion 1 1 2% All
Condensed Lesser Healing Potion 1 1 2.5% All
Condensed Healing Potion 1 1 2% All
Condensed Greater Healing Potion 1 1 1.7% All
Elven Wafer 1 1 2% All
Blank Scroll (Level 1) 1 1 2% All
Blank Scroll (Level 2) 1 1 1.6% All
Blank Scroll (Level 3) 1 1 1.2% All
Blank Scroll (Level 4) 1 1 0.6% All
Blank Scroll (Level 5) 1 1 0.2% All
Relic of Sayha 1 1 2.1% All
Adena 194 318 100% All

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